Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cat Rescue to the Rescue

I get quite a few calls from Cat Rescue organizations looking for products for cats or an upcoming event. I try to help as best as I can. I had an idea of a long term solution and I want to get your feedback here.

In our last email we offered anyone the chance to put on a cat party at their home or facility and make some money by helping us sell our products. No one took me up on it. Okay so my ideas are a dime a dozen and I can't expect everyone to jump on board day one.

Then I got to thinking about cat rescue orgs who send out email blasts or newsletters to their donor base and a lightbulb went off. How about if we created a coupon with the organizations name as the coupon. Say your org is called Saveacat. That would be the coupon code. Everytime someone orders and uses the code savacat that organization would get free product. The org doesn't have to do much except promote the website and the offer and we will send them free product to help them with their rescue efforts.

Or we could do a cat cancer awareness day and sell pink condos and hammocks. See them under accessories on the website

Any other good ideas out there?

Big Cat Furniture

You have asked for it. More new products. We have received a few calls about creating larger cat furniture for larger breeds like Bengals, Main Coons, and Savannahs. So we revised out sets to accommodate an 18" vs a 13.5 beam we use on our current sets. We make oversized hammocks and condos and beefed them up with extra velcro straps. We love it and hope your cats do too.

Check them out under big cat furniture at

Still loving the business. Keep the great comments coming. I think I got in this business because it seemed like a good opportunity and everyone loves there cat. I think I will stay in this business because everyone loves their cats and loves our furniture too. You nice comments mean the world to me and that is what motivates me to come up with crazy cat products that cats love.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Cat Business is Incredible

I purchased this business when my current business of running my own printing company was being battered from all sides of the economy. A friend of mine told me about a friend who was interested in finding a good home for it and he said he only knew of one person crazy enough to do this and that was me.

Well, almost 7 months later we had our best day ever. One client who had a financial windfall ordered two kitty hawks to satisfy his brood of 12 cats. His old one was 5 years old and it needed to be refreshed.

Another order came in from a Shelter that is going to use two Cat Castles in their adoption room to show case the cats ready for adoption.

Then we got another order for some miscellaneous stuff.

I knew if I worked hard, took care of the cats and their owners this day would come.

I just want to thank you all for believing in Feline Furniture and me and let's keep the ride going.

Let me know your thoughts, wishes for your cats and concerns if you have any.


Scott Rundle

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fat Cat Furniture

I recently had a person contact me and tell me she thought I was missing out on a great opportunity selling furniture to large, plump, fat, big, Maine Coon types of cats. Well, never one to turn down a good idea I decided to test The Big and Fat Cat Line. Pardon me if I offend, but the name was too good to pass up. If you have Fat Cat and are offended then call it the Big and Preciously Plump Furniture Line. I will never call your cat Fat. Check it out on

My cat is 106lbs and he was featured in our last email blast. (Really he is a big yellow lab that is a retired seeing dog) He doesn't know that though so please don't tell him.

I love cats and grew up with them and had them a few years back. My 6 year old is allergic to them and gets a rash on his face every time he pets ones. So we are catless for now, but with this business and hearing your stories I know we will end up with one or two soon and we may have to put my son outside. LOL.

OMG its Jan 2010

Wow, it has been over 6 months since I have owned the business. Thanks to you and your orders it is now paid off. Now we can really do what we want to do and that is serve your cats.

I have had a total blast hearing your cat and life stories. Today I heard from a customer who has four cats and inherited 8 other ones, so now he has 12. He has a 5 year of Kitty Hawk and he recently had some good financial news ( don't we all need that in this economy) and he is going to order two more Kitty Hawks.

The care and the love you all put into your cats makes us want to do better for you.

Steve, crash, Corbin - He got the name from flying his hand glider too close to trees, rocks and branches. 2 parachute pulls, and one broken back from his last crash does a bit of work for us and he has a cat Yoda Dendron. Well he called his girlfriend tonight on his way back from work and she said he needed to rush home as Yoda Dendron was missing him. Too cool. Steve is an inventor and you should see the set Yoda has in his two story house. He climbs up his tower and then walks to the second floor.