Saturday, March 27, 2010

Top Ten Tips to help your fat cat

Top Ten Tips To help your Fat Cat Lose Weight:

Recent survey shows that 35% of all house cats are overweight. If your cat falls in that percentile, then these tips are for you:

1. Consult your vet before putting your cat on any diet. Have the vet run a blood panel prior to the diet to rule out diabetes and other health concerns.

2. Weight loss needs to be gradual-no crash dieting for your fat cat.

3. Avoid free feeding and cat treats!

4. Use interactive toys to encourage kitty to exercise i.e. “Da Bird.” or cat teasers.

5. Hide catnip in places high up to encourage your overweight cat to climb.

6. Avoid feeding table scraps

7. Feed small amounts on a regular schedule several times a day. If you work invest in a timed automatic feeder.

8. Provide cat grass for your cat- good for digestion.

9. Provide fresh water- suggest you invest in a Drinkwell Pet Fountain.

10. Introduce new food gradually- otherwise kitty will become ill.

At we just started selling a Big and Fat Cat Modular Playground. It is a great place for them to excercise and then call home after hitting the gym. Take one of our teasers and give your fat cat a work out on our playground. Then put some cat nip at the top and let him/her have a good roll in it.

We are also working on the worlds tallest manufactured Cat Furniture playground that will encourage high climbing for maximum weight loss for your fat cat.

This information was provided by Maryanne at

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