Saturday, August 22, 2009

Can't Find My Blog

I could not remember what Google account my blog was under and could not find it for a few days. Fortunately I went to Gmail and my info was right there. Why can't someone come up with a safe place to store all the passwords you need these days to keep ones life all together.

It is 2.08 and I am up learning more about internet marketing and searching the best and newest products to put on our site. So much fun.

We plan to launch the new site on the first of Sept. Keep your fingers crossed the wires don't get crossed and smoke our computers.

I plan to add Organic Catnip. I met the farmer from Farm-Gate Herbs. His name is Nate and he grows and processed organic cat nip. His main gig is getting dirty in the dirt for the cats. He is learning the marketing aspects of the business in his spare time. He will work with small timers like me who hope to be a bigger timer someday.

Tell me about great people in the cat industry making great things and maybe we can showcase them on the blog.


  1. Great job, Scott, on your blog, especially now that you found it!

    How about doing a cat contest where you come up with questions relating to cats and have people answer? I joined one cat contest where we enrolled on behalf of our cats and submitted pictures of them. It was similar to a Survival game: we got a list of questions once a week that we had to answer, and then all the "cats" would get together and whichever cat answered the least amount of questions/answered the most questions incorrectly, got voted off. The last remaining cat got a nice price. Just an idea.

  2. Hey Chris,

    We are going to do some sort of contest. Just not sure yet. How about the most spoiled kitty or the biggest, fattest lazy cat. But how do we judge that without a scale?
